26 Mar, Thursday, 17:00 CET

Session overview
The quest for sustainable engagement often leads to pain and frustration in the current agile yet volatile world. As competition for top talent intensifies, organisations must create positive experiences for their people through a redesigned HR value chain.

If traditional human capital processes support business needs and performance, the main differentiator of organisational performance remains employee engagement. Building a strong employer brand, a great employee experience, and a genuine learning culture are some key assets to create an engaging organisation.

With a blend of innovative models, strategic frameworks, and practical experience, Bernard will share his global HR leader’s path in Europe and Asia to explain how both “learning” and “engaging” factors interact and add value to each other.

Key takeaways
1. Understand the drivers of engagement, the corresponding employee profiles, and the key differences between satisfaction and motivation.
2. Integrate a holistic view on what is an engaging organisation with all its actors (engaging leaders and organisation; engaged individuals and teams).
3. Learn how to implement a learning culture as a key factor of an engaging organisation, leading to a positive and developmental employee experience.
4. Identify the relevant postures and key competencies that HR and L&D professionals should acquire and develop to add value to their business stakeholders and build an engaging and learning culture.

Speakers , March 2020

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