26 Sep, Thursday, 17:00 CET

Agility, scrums, and growth mindset are the new buzz words that you keep hearing as the business world is trying to keep pace with the changing landscape. According to Forbes, almost 50% of all tasks will be automated (e.g. use of AI) and multiple studies show that total headcount will be decreased by 12 to 50%. Our role as HR professionals is to help our employees and organizations navigate this digital transformation effectively. 

Carol Dweck from the University of Stanford indicates there are two basic mindsets, the ‘fixed mindset’ and the ‘growth mindset.’ People with a fixed mindset assume that abilities and aptitude are innate and can’t be altered. People with a growth mindset believe that talents can be nurtured, further developed, and mistakes can be leveraged for continued growth.

In this webinar we will share why a growth mindset is critical in today’s world of constant change and how it can be used as one lever to drive culture change and business performance. Find out the implications when employees/leaders have a growth or fixed mindset and determine how to effectively measure growth mindset with an easy to use assessment tool. 

You will receive insights into the latest research and explore how certain leadership capabilities are impacted by a growth or fixed mindset. Learn which strategies, approaches, and tools can enable a growth mindset and how organizations can foster and promote a growth mindset.

Speakers , September 2019

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