Dr. Zeinab Hmama

Postdoc Researcher
Center of Excellence for
Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Africa Business School
Mohammed VI
Polytechnic University

Dr. Zeinab Hmama holds a Ph.D. in Entrepreneurship and a Master's degree in Finance. Currently, she is a Postdoctoral Researcher in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Center of Excellence for Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Africa Business School. Her previous roles include serving as an Educator at the National School of Trade and Management in Morocco, with diverse experiences acquired within corporate organizations as a financial auditor, and leadership roles in fostering and empowering entrepreneurial activities and teams.

Acknowledged as an EntreComp champion by the European Commission, Dr. Zeinab is also a certified Entrepreneurial Mindset Profile practitioner, Ice House Entrepreneurship Program Facilitator, and Innovation 360 Licensed Practitioner (IMGB Innovation Management Green Belt). Driven by a steadfast commitment to catalyze systemic change, Dr. Zeinab’s research endeavors are primarily focused on Entrepreneurship, with a specialized emphasis on Value Creation, Social Entrepreneurship, Systemic Mindset, and Entrepreneurial Education Assessment.