Digital Transformation and Top Management: How to help leaders?


16 Oct, Wednesday, 08:00 AM CET

The digital world requires a new leadership model. Nevertheless, the digital transformation of senior managers remains a very neglected area and often even a taboo subject.

In this session you will:

-Discover that Digital transformation is not a technological transformation but a cultural transformation with a technological component.
-Learn the key factors to succeed in digital transformation - they are not technology!
-Discuss how HR and L&D can balance the development and contributions of both digital native and digital immigrant talent.

This session will have you thinking and discussing how HR and L&D leaders can help senior talent undertake their own personal digitalisation process and, at the same time, give more junior digital native talent time to develop important leadership skills required to reach the top levels of the organisation.

You will leave this masterclass feeling inspired, informed and empowered about your pivotal role as a leader in HR and L&D in making the digital transformation of your company a success.

Speakers Amsterdam , October 2019


Aitana Hotel


IJDok 6 1013 MM - Amsterdam

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