29 Oct, Thursday, 11:00 CET

Over the past few decades, technology has made us incredibly productive. But the work we do in the digital domain is isolated from the real world, as we access it through computing devices. Lately, we have been spending a lot of time with our devices at a cost to our physical and mental health.

Augmented reality (AR) allows us to overlay digital experiences on top of the real world. This helps us to re-establish connection with the things and people around us while leveraging deeper insights about the physical realm from the data visualisations and analysis. Virtual Reality (VR), on the other hand, allows us to simulate scenarios that may be difficult or dangerous to create in reality for training purposes.

These technologies will help us achieve better results when enabled with natural user interfaces like voice/speech, gestures, and eye tracking. In this session, we will share what various organisations are doing today and what is to come in order to prepare you for the best experiences and outcomes with extended reality (xR). 

Speakers , October 2020

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